The former Manchester United manager Sir. Alex Ferguson believes that the MLS has significantly been improving in many aspects and that it deserves to get recognized for everything that has occurred in recent times.

It’s been over 3 years since Sir. Alex Ferguson opted to take a step back from the world of football as a manager as he retired but he still remains up to date with everything that is going on in the sport and something that has been in the radar of the Scottish-man is the American League, the MLS.
Sir. Alex Ferguson admitted that he has been watching the matches and everything that has been going on surrounding the MLS and the former tactician voiced his thoughts concerning a few of the changes that have been happening as he said: “I’ve been watching very carefully over the last few years. They’ve had some major changes. One, they’ve started some academy systems and that’s very, very important. I think that what they probably need is more professional coaches. I think that’s something for the future.”
One of the things that according to Sir. Alex Ferguson can become a huge problem for the progression and the supporters of the MLS is the colossal size of the United States which forces fans of different clubs on having to travel for a long distance in order to watch matches. Continue reading “Sir. Alex Ferguson praised the progression of the MLS”